blood curdle造句

"blood curdle"是什么意思   


  1. their screams made my blood curdle with terror
  2. as we arrived at the edge of the village, a blood curdling yell from a sentry rang out
  3. this was soon followed by a blood curdling scream and the sound of frantic foot steps as her husband ran to the upstairs bathroom
  4. and at the same instant dant s felt himself flung into the air like a wounded bird, falling, falling, with a rapidity that made his blood curdle
  5. i thank providence, who watched over you, that she then spent her fury on your wedding apparel, which perhaps brought back vague reminiscences of her own bridal days : but on what might have happened, i cannot endure to reflect . when i think of the thing which flew at my throat this morning, hanging its black and scarlet visage over the nest of my dove, my blood curdles-
  6. It's difficult to find blood curdle in a sentence. 用blood curdle造句挺难的


  1. "blood cult"造句
  2. "blood culture"造句
  3. "blood cultures"造句
  4. "blood cup"造句
  5. "blood cups"造句
  6. "blood curdling"造句
  7. "blood current"造句
  8. "blood curse"造句
  9. "blood curses"造句
  10. "blood dance"造句

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